What LifeWorks Family Chiropractic Patients Say

What others say about chiropractic care can help you make the right health care choice. Review a selection of LifeWorks Family Chiropractic patient testimonials below and please email us or contact the office if you have any questions.

Low back pain better after 50 years and no more cane!!

Before chiropractic I was barely walking. Walking with a cane…pretty much chair bound. I couldn’t get out to do a lot. Its made a big difference in my life because now I walk without a cane. I’m walking faster than I used to…it’s friendly here…he’s really good at what he does…
Carol C – Kelowna, BC

Goodbye pain, headaches, asthma and reflux – hello life!!

“…I have been coming to LifeWorks Family Chiropractic for 2 months. I have been suffering for 10 years or longer…I now have no pain, headaches, asthma, acid reflux (GERD/heartburn) less stress, more energy at work…they really want to help you. Thank You.”
Jeff Gardiner – Kelowna, BC

13 Years an Asthma sufferer

“(My son) Jacob…was classified as a ‘happy wheezier’ until age 2 (he had) full blown asthma. Doctor visits, hospital stays, asthma medication…He was at maximum dosage (for his asthma)…I heard a chiropractor could do something and eliminate asthma…After finding a chiropractor (LifeWorks) there was no more asthma, after 2 weeks I stopped all medications! (Chiropractic) has opened up his future tremendously after experiencing so many years of his childhood dealing with it…I understand your kid could be checked after birth and I would suggest it be looked upon as regular care.…If anything does come up…get to your chiropractor. (Jacob) does not have any issues anymore.”
Wanda D.-Kelowna ,BC

No more headaches, less asthma, better digestion, less pain and a better life.

“I had headaches every day…a lot of pain in my hips, neck and back, my digestion was really out of whack…(in 2 months of chiropractic) I have a lot less pain…my asthma has gone down from 7 puffs per week to 1 puff per week, headaches are basically gone digestion has improved 100%…it’s a great place to be, everyone is so friendly…its great.”
Lisa – Kelowna, BC

15 years of sleeping pills – not needed anymore!

“…3 weeks (of chiropractic care)…it’s been quite amazing. Things that have been going on for decades have changed…I’ve been on sleeping pills for at least 15 years and I have not taken one since the first or second time I came here. I had acid reflux…I have not taken anything since coming here. My energy level has been the most amazing thing. I’ve had chronic low energy, now I am perky and I have to manage my energy…my husband is asking what I’ve done with his wife!…”
Chris L – Kelowna, BC

No More Pain Medication

“…I was suffering from sciatic pain, back pain, and neck pain…I exhausted other opportunities and (they) didn’t really get me where I wanted to go…(Since coming to LifeWorks) I have seen a progressive improvement…I have reduced the amount of medications,…(now) I’m able to exercise…When I started (I was taking) 1600mg of Ibuprofen, 4 extra strength Tylenol, 2 Tylenol Arthritis, plus 2 cortisone shots…(I now have) had no shots, …off Tylenol and progressively down in Ibuprofen and for 2 week free from (even) it….I like the variety of adjustments (here)…and whatever I need at that time, I get!”
Patti B.-Kelowna, BC

Competitive Cheerleading Coach Benefits from Chiropractic

“…My health was up and down…I was sick a lot…I had migraines and dizzy spells…it (chiropractic) has made a huge difference…the migraines and dizziness have gone away, I get them very rarely now. I’m sick no where near as much as I was and the only difference is the chiropractic…the strength is returning to my body after some old injuries…I love the family, friendly feeling here…Dr James has gone above and beyond…”
Nikki K – Kelowna, BC


Pain!! Who Likes It??

“I lived in pain 24 hours/day, 7 days a week! In my early 20’s I was a passenger in a car … where I had whiplash…I am now 50 yrs. old and I have seen doctors, pharmacists, chiropractors, message therapists, just about anyone that I thought would help. I came to see LifeWorks Chiropractic almost by chance…The personable, warm, family environment helped me from day one! My pain level was 8 out of 10, now it’s 2 out of 10 …(There is) lots of skepticism out there…but I believe miracles have happened here and it also took my participation in wanting to get well…my life has truly been changed!”
Theresa S.-Kelowna, BC


Better Overall Health

“This had been a wonderful experience for me…I have felt better, more flexible, felt improvements in my health, sinuses are better, my back has not hurt like it used to…I just feel overall better…Dr James is awesome, he takes care of you…”
Ann-Marie S – Kelowna, BC

Shelley says LifeWorks Chiropractic in Kelowna is a great place to be!

“…neck injury; I could barely move my neck. Over the past year (of Chiropractic) I have noticed a great improvement…I didn’t get sick this year as I usually do…I was pleased about that…small family here. I get greeted with respect…it feels like a good place to be.”
Shelley O – Kelowna, BC


Handling Stress Better and Sleeping Through the Night

“…I’ve started sleeping through the night which has been really nice…things that were stressful before don’t affect me as much…I handle the stress, life seems to unfold better…I like the family feel, friendliness and the personal touch…”
Darryl S – Kelowna, BC


Sleeps and Feels Better

“…I feel better, I can sleep better. I feel great!…I like you guys, a nice, friendly place.”
Ella T.-Kelowna, BC


Freedom from Pain and Headaches

“I first came in as I was having a lot of headaches, my neck was very sore, all the time, (I had) low back pain, just general sluggishness…since coming here my neck pain is 99% gone, my headaches are almost all gone,…my sinuses cleared up, …my neck is fine, more flexible….Overall a great experience and a really wonderful improvement in my flexibility, my health! And the absence of …the pain issues I had!
Doug C.-Kelowna, BC


Mobility for Playing Soccer

“I came because of mobility issues with my neck and shoulders…I heard a lot about chiropractic care, misconceptions so I had to get more educated and informed and try to get release from pain!…Chiropractic checks alignment of the spine and neck and releases pressure on nerves…(It is) an excellent experience…I play a lot of soccer, my neck and shoulders have a lot more mobility…Right now I am coming for overall wellness and maintenance …I rarely get sick!”
Bruno C.-Kelowna, BC


Experiencing Burning Pain and Heartburn

“…I had pain, numbness and tingling in the legs, burning in my back. It (chiropractic) helped with all, especially (the) burning pain in my back and stomach issues…and heartburn; which (I found) was surprising with chiropractic care …I also brought my daughter here, her neck was out probably since birth…(We are) really happy coming here!”
Sherry E.-Kelowna, BC


A New Life Worth Living

“…I had terrible, terrible migraines for over 20 years… it was coming to a point where I couldn’t function any more…at a point where something drastic had to be done…(My health now) is completely different…my headaches are much less frequent…I have far more energy, even to go hiking…(My advice is)…Do IT, don’t question it, stick to the program…it’s absolutely fantastic!”
Elena T.-Kelowna, BC

Video Reviews for LifeWorks Family Chiropractic | (250) 868-4880