
Experience an effective full body massage using the Theragun, now available at LifeWorks Family Chiropractic. This handheld massage therapy device has the capability of addressing your entire body in just 10 minutes. You might normally need to allow for about an hour of massage therapy to do the same!

With the various settings that can be used on the Theragun, we can set it as appropriate for the area of your body being addressed. A professional-grade model, our Theragun has a great depth and speed of percussion. That means we can treat a wide range of physical issues as well as use it for preventative wellness.

Great for Active People

Nearly everyone in the world has experienced various aches and pains. If you are active in a sport, you likely have more than the average person. Dr. Jeff has a passion for golf, and as a result, has gone through discomfort. The Theragun is what has gotten him recovered and back into the game several times.

The Theragun allows you to loosen up muscles and warm up your full body in just a matter of minutes. The many benefits include

How Does ChiroThin Work?

This successful program involves a natural, homeopathic spray that’s placed under the tongue three times a day for 42 days. The spray is made up of selected amino acids, which help to

The types of conditions that are great for Theragun include tendonitis, shoulder pain, elbow pain, bursitis and more. You can use it in conjunction with a chiropractic adjustment to loosen up your body before seeing your chiropractor. You’ll love how smoothly your adjustment goes!

What to Expect

The treatment performed with Theragun will vary depending on the condition you have. Since the technology penetrates deeply, the typical treatment time is about five minutes. We’re careful to never do so much that your pain or inflammation will be increased. The standard course of treatment is to have the Theragun a few times a week for just a couple of weeks, though what we recommend will depend on the nature of your injury.

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Would you like to learn more? Contact our friendly team today!

Theragun | (250) 868-4880