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Written Reviews Continued

Read what people are saying about our doctors.


  • I appreciate the caring and friendly staff, as well as Dr. Whillans manner and intelligence.
    - Melanie W.
  • I love Lifeworks Chiropractic!
    - Shelley O.
  • It was a great first visit! I will be sure to tell friends!
    - Brianne B.
  • Nice family chiropractic clinic! Nice to meet you Dr. James and staff! Thank you for warmth welcome.
    - Sharon B.
  • Thanks for making me feel comfortable! For having never been at a chiropractor before, it wasn’t nearly as nerve-wracking as I expected I’d be.
    - Marissa N.
  • Lovely staff, each and every one of you. Thanks!
    - Krisztina D.
  • Thank you very much for being so caring to myself and my daughter Jill.
    - Jane E.
  • Found the people there to be very friendly and welcoming.
    - Diana L.
  • Great first experience! Very welcoming and friendly. Positive environment filled with smiles.
    - Justin A.
  • Not only exceptional welcome but at each step, I received an explanation, why it is required. Fantastic experience!
    - Balek N.
  • I was very nervous coming into my first visit but the atmosphere and attitudes of everyone put me right at ease.
    - Debbie S.
  • Extremely happy with my visit. A very good experience. Looking forward to getting help.
    - Tina A.
  • I thank you again for the quick appt I received as I was very  uncomfortable. Meeting you has been a very positive experience.
    - Heather T.
  • Thank you so much! I feel like maybe I can live comfortably for the first time in years!
    - Mel M.
  • Very thorough and impressive examination.
    - Frank B.
  • I would like to thank Patti for suggesting I attend Life Works to ensure I am on the right path to wellness.
    - Peter P.

More Confidence

Great first experience with a chiropractor. I learned a lot from the first session, and have even more confidence in going forward. Thanks James and team, look forward to seeing you again.
Grant C.

Looking Forward To Adjustments

Looking forward to having adjustments and results.
Kalia L.

Treated Very Well

As it is a very busy practice, I did have to come Back at a later time but was treated very well.
Elli B.

Great Experience

My experience overall was great, and recommend Dr James to everyone. I love the approach/view of health, and the principles of wellness chiropractic.
Ashraf E.

This Will Change My Life

I look forward to working with Dr Whillans and staff and feel confident that this will change my life.
Bonnie R.

Well Done

Well done. Always a pleasure and certainly can feel the healing energy from Dr James.
Paul M.

Positive Environment

Dr. James is inspirational complimented by outstanding staff. All the patients that came in seemed imbued with equal positivity.
Sandra C.

I'm At The Right Place!

This visit gave me hope that I haven't had in a long time. Dr. James is incredible caring and compassionate, as well as knowledgeable. He works with you to heal your body from the inside out, which made me feel like I was at the right place, and in good hands.
Rochelle S.

Better Health!

I am feeling very optimistic about my partnership in better health. Success comes with a good team!
Ginette S.


I love the fact that you were so accommodating to fit me in without an appointment. Very professional and I'm extremely happy with the service.
Thomas M.


I had very acute lower back pain and went to see my regular doctor and was prescribed pain medication and given a requisition for a CT scan. After a week of extreme pain and almost being totally immobilized I was beginning to feel helpless. I realized something more needed to be done. I contacted Life Works Chiropractic and they fit me in same day. The staff was extremely friendly and helpful. Right away Dr. James Whillans made me feel at ease in my time of extreme pain . He did an exam and adjustments and was very informative of what he thought was going on with my lower back. For the first time I had answers and felt there was some hope. Within 2 sessions I was starting to feel some relief. Dr. James’ commitment to his patients is exceptional, even opening the office after hours to help me with my pain. Can’t say enough about Dr. James and his staff, I look forward to continuing treatments with them.
Shay G.

Looking Forward To Getting Started!

I'm so excited to hear about my treatment plan and to start getting adjustments! There's such great energy at Life Works and I'm feeling extremely hopeful that my life will continue to improve from now on.
Annie C.


From the moment I walked in the door I felt very welcomed and at ease with the ladies who greeted me and promptly helped me with my 9 month old son while I ran to the washroom! I could tell right away that everyone here is very used to working with children. Dr Whillans very quickly found, on myself and my son, the points where we needed work and seemed very eager to help us with working on these issues to continue with a healthier life! I’m very much looking forward to our treatment and hope for great success, I also love the specialization in children, hoping to catch anything before it becomes an issue with my baby boy! Thank you so far.
Faith C.

Emily V.Amazing

Dr.James is an amazing listener. I can tell that he is intently listening to everything I am saying and not thinking about other things. He makes eye contact and made me feel very comfortable. I felt very taken care of. I highly recommend him to all.

Emily V.

Great Experience

I am looking forward to working with Dr. James and very much appreciate him sharing his knowledge and expertise with me in relation to why I am experiencing some of the symptoms I am. I do apologize for being a bit of a skeptic but as discussed with Dr. James, I am prepared to leave my past experiences in the parking lot :)
Heidi H (Nov 19/13)

You Guys Rock!

Everyone at Life Works is always so friendly, and happy to see me. They are always asking is I need anything such as if I need water or holding my baby. You guys rock. I feel confident in the doctor, and that he will be able to help me heal. He explains everything clearly, and I feel that he is trying his hardest, 110%, to fix what needs to be fixed. He is very skilled and well educated in his profession. I am so glad I found Life Works!
Laura G (Nov 1/13)

Blown Away by Care & Sincere Compassion

I was blown away by the amount of care and sincere compassion from Dr. Whillans . It was only my first visit, and I’m very excited for many more to come. Experiencing the knowledge and care I have received this far, I know for sure I will be healed in no time. Thank you very much for everything :) very happy I joined such a friendly and comfortable practice.
Amanda K (Oct 29/13)

Excellent in Explaining

Dr James is excellent in explaining how he could help my (newborn) son, and went above and beyond with any questions or things I needed more information on. Very happy I saw him!!
Helena B (Oct 29/13)

Felt Verified

I felt verified by Dr. Whillans on my first visit. Thank you. It would be great to check more than just one way of letting you know how I knew about your Practice.
Jan (Oct 24/13)

Mind Blowing

My first visit with Dr. James was mind blowing. Never has a wellness practitioner taken the time as the LifeWorks staff to ensure that I understand the cause and effect of the trauma and stresses causing my pain. It was extremely helpful for me to learn about my dysfunctions during the examination process, to better understand where I need to go from here. For the first time I feel confident that this not only needs to be taken seriously, but also in the support and positivity to put my all into my wellness. In the past, my previous chiropractors have seen me on a basic "in and out" basis - whereas I come in, show them where the pain is, and they make an adjustment. No one has ever explained or shown me with visual charts exactly what stresses are being put on my nervous system and spine, and after having this information readily available to me I cannot believe I did not take these pains and aches as seriously for as long as I did. I am eager and enthusiastic about moving forward with my wellness in the hands of LifeWorks!
Tessa W (June 20/13)

Takes Care of the Whole Body

What I appreciate the most is that Dr. James takes care of the whole body. Usually we find a specialist for every part of the body. Also in 2 days I knew exactly what my problem was. What a relief and how quickly this information was played back to me. I also appreciated being met by happy, fun filled gals who worked at the desk.
Donna O (May 30/13)

Less Neck Pain…On To Wellness Care!

LifeWoks Family Chiropractic has been an experience I heartily endorse for everyone in Kelowna. I developed a sore neck that became quite debilitating about 6 weeks ago and began seeing Drs. Nicole and James about a month ago. Right after my first session, they called that evening to see how I was doing and even offered to make a house call if my situation called for it. I had never realized how important our neck and spine are for helping (or hindering) everything else in our bodies. I particularly like how each Doctor explains everything that they do and how it helps me. After 4 weeks of adjustments, I'm back to 90% and am looking forward to a life long relationship with LifeWorks Family Chiropractic.
Sincerely, Dave Lytton Kelowna, BC

Pregnancy Care

At first I was hesitant about going to a chiropractor while being pregnant, but my sciatic pain was getting worse and a friend of mine suggested I give it a try. When I first went in to LifeWorks they did a thorough exam and told me that they would be able to help me, not only with the pain but also to keep me properly aligned for my pregnancy and delivery. Since having my subluxations adjusted I have noticed no sciatic pain, minimal aches and pains and positive changes in my pregnancy. I am now experiencing more comfort and zero pain when doing activities. Thank you for the help!
Karyn R. Kelowna, BC

Severe Back Pain Gone…Feeling 10 Years Younger!

When I was introduced to chiropractic care, I have to admit I was not only skeptical, but scared out of my mind. What if something moved that shouldn't? I had all these questions and fears that needed answers. I had been experiencing severe back pain for a while, but I was also afraid of the pain worsening should something go wrong. Dr. James sat down with me and discussed these issues one at a time, alleviating most any fear I had. He instantly put me at ease with his thorough explanations of what he would be doing, and by allowing me to understand this, I trusted him. When I wasn't comfortable with certain ways he adjusted me, he used different ways to make the adjustment work. Dr. James helped me to understand that the care he had given me want just in my body, but in my mind and soul as well, which allowed me to heal even more quickly. Today, at 38, I feel ten years younger. I have more stamina and feel like I can do almost anything. I am running, doing aerobics and taking better care of myself as a whole because of the encouragement and backing that Dr. James has shown me. He has opened my eyes not only to the worls of Chiropractic, but what it takes to make a better, healthier individual all the way around.
Sherry C.

My Thanks to LifeWorks Family Chiropractic

I am writing this in hopes that it will motivate others to sign up for a wellness program. What do you assume is normal? Small cuts and burns always…….…Equals an infection Crashing on my snowboard always……….Equals a sore neck and back Sleeping in on weekends…….….Equals a very sore lower back These things I accepted as normal. Boy was I wrong! I met Dr. Nicole Barbary and Dr. James Whillans in August 2007. Within 2 months of adjustments I realized that that these thinks I accepted as normal weren’t. Why? Because, I don’t suffer from these symptoms anymore. Due to my wellness program I have a properly aligned spine, plus the muscles on either side of my spine work to keep it that way, even after a crash on my snowboard. I can push myself snowboarding, without fear, and I am really looking forward to the improvements in my golf game. Thanks for giving me back my young spine so I can keep up with my children on the slopes and in the future teach my Grandson to snowboard.
Loren L. Desautels Kelowna, BC

Crohn's Disease in remission, no allergies and better performance in sports!

To Whom It May Concern, My name is Matthew Meccia; I first met Drs. Nicole and James in the fall of 2004. For the combined time of two years that I have known these two amazing individuals, they have helped my life more than anyone could have ever known! They both offered some of the best chiropractic adjustments I have EVER received, keeping it gentle, and at the same time keeping it every specific to remove all of my subluxations! They are both very caring individuals and were always there for me no mater if it was a chiropractic, personal, or medical problem. The reason why I first saw Dr. Nicole was due to my Crohn's Disease, with her adjustments and advice we were able to help place it in remission till this day! Also I have noticed since I was under their care my allergy problem seemed to disappear and my performance in sports and daily exercise seemed to improve! I choose to keep seeing them even after my symptoms disappeared cause I learned from them that Chiropractic helps in the prevention of further problems! I wish these two the best luck in the world and I pray that they will touch the lives of millions like they have touched my life! I owe these two so much for the help they gave me and the lessons they taught me. Thank you guys so much!
Sincerely, Matthew Meccia

I’m Happy and More Pleasant to be Around!

I am in reasonably good overall health. I sought care at LifeWorks Family Chiropractic because of some intense headaches and some stiffness in my neck. The headaches were frustrating and sometimes made feel grouchy. Since being under Chiropractic care I feel like my body is more relaxed, it feels like everything is working together comfortably. I have a greater feeling of being a lot more in tune with my body and my life. Since being adjusted regularly, I feel more energized, fluid and freedom of movement which makes me happy. This makes me more pleasant to be around. It is all one good chain of events and effects. My Fiancée and Daughter are also benefiting from Chiropractic at LifeWorks.
Adam Bomans Kelowna, BC

Recommended for Optimum Health

Thank you for the excellent care I have received from both of you. You have helped my body start to heal itself and I am feeling so much stronger and better since you have been treating me. I would highly recommend both of you to anyone that wants to bring his or her body to optimum health. You jave tough me that the body works as a whole and wellness comes from the body's own natural healthing abilities, which work best when everything is in balance. So thank you again for the superior service and for caring about me to make sure that everything is running smoothly.
Sincerely, Ginny Konechny Independent Sales Director Mary Kay Cosmetics

Less Headaches and More Well-Being

I am new to Kelowna and had been thinking of finding a good chiropractor when I walked into a health food store and found the LifeWorks Family Chiropractic centre and haven’t looked back. After only 1-2 adjustments I already noticed an improvement. More range of motion, less headaches and a general over all feeling of well being. I had been away from chiropractic for a few years and now having resumed treatment I am aware of how important it is to keep regular maintenance going.
Gabriele Kelowna BC

Relief from Sports Injuries and Erectile Dysfunction:

As a semi-pro rugby player, my body is constantly under the physical stress of a full-contact sport. Along with the rest of my team, I have used chiropractic care for the past several years to stay healthy, recover from unjries faster and play at my best. Dr. Nicole provided me with care at a time when I suffered one of my worst injuries. I received a hit that resulted in not only low back pain but also erectile dysfunction. As a father of two this came as quite a shock to me. With many other doctors, I may have felt reluctant or embarrassed to bring up issues as sensitive as this but Dr. Nicole was very re-assuring and confident the problem was a direct result from the spinal injury. She assured me that chiropractic would help and after only a couple of weeks everything was back to normal! I continued receiving regular chiropractic adjustments from Dr. Nicole for some time. She always provided me with excellent care and I would encourage everyone to take advantage of the many benefits chiropractic has to offer!
Sincerely, Jamie H
*Individual results may vary.



Reviews for LifeWorks Family Chiropractic | (250) 868-4880